Sunday, April 18, 2010

Online Job Search

Online Job Search
By []Greg Heslin

The internet has brought convenient, nationwide, independent job search functionality to your fingertips. Online job search opportunities have gone well beyond job postings on individual company websites. Today, there are numerous dedicated sites to help job hunters search for jobs worldwide.

Online job search that involves going directly to company internet sites is a good way to introduce yourself to the company in which you think you might be interested. Typically, companies are eager to present themselves to the public online so they will have complete descriptions of their business philosophy, the services, supplies or products they promote, and a section for job hunters in which they post job openings. Generally, you can identify, through various search options, the jobs which might be appropriate for your skills and abilities. Many systems allow you to apply for specific jobs online through a system where you would complete an application and upload your resume. It will be transmitted to the Human Resources Department or function responsible for resume assessment.

Once you have completed a company's application process, you will then become part of their database for a period of time. Some systems search their databases automatically when new jobs are posted. If your resume matches any of the job requirements, you shall get a notice and opportunity to apply for the job online.

Over the last few years, independent online job search functionalities have become prevalent on the internet. Newspapers, local services and worldwide online job search databases are easy to find ... simply type "job search" into your browser's search engine. Some sites have more extensive functionality than others. The better sites have direct links into the participating company job search engines. For companies that do not have internal job posting engines, the job search sites will forward applications and/or resumes on your behalf.

The advantage of these online job search functionalities is that they give you access to an extensive database of job opportunities across the country. You can search by state and city, and view everything that is posted. The more sophisticated sites also allow you to narrow your search by job category, name or position level. Some allow you to specify a company name and search nationwide for job opportunities within that specific company. This online functionality puts many position descriptions in front of you quickly. You can apply for them immediately, or on the more expansive sites, you can put them in a "save" or "watch" category so you can think about it and apply at a later date.

Other sites have extensive functionality to help job searchers including:

Search by date posted

Job profiles you can set up that alert you to jobs being posted that fit your skills

Resume posting on the job search site where employers can search resumes that match their requirements

Salary calculators

Career resource links that provide services such as, coaching, education, interview tips, financial advice, etc.

Career fair information

Resume critique

Video resume posting

Not all job search sites are created equal ... it's very important to make sure you thoroughly check out the site you want to use. Look for endorsements, privacy and security statements, and full disclosure about company ownership and business practices. Many online sites require you to purchase a membership, but the fees are not excessive and most have varying levels so you can pick one that suits your needs and your budget.

To be fair, there is one thing that online sites can not do: specifically, they can not put you in physical contact with a potential hiring company because most do not allow any contact outside the online service. However, the advantage of applying for a limitless number of jobs, in any category may outweigh the lack of personal contact. Searching online will certainly ensure that a far greater number of potential employers get to see your resume than if you used a single employment agency or recruiter.

Greg Heslin is a best selling career advice and "street smart" tips author on how to survive in the 21st Century workplace. To learn more about FREE cutting edge career tips and techniques, you can visit his web site at

Article Source: [] Online Job Search

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