Sunday, April 18, 2010

Strategies For an Online Job Search

Strategies For an Online Job Search
By []Thomas Richardson

Finding a job used to be a very slow process, but this has drastically changed with the advent of online job search boards. Rather than waiting for the Sunday newspaper to find good jobs to apply for, you can now set up an account with a multitude of online job search agents and have hundreds of leads delivered to you inbox daily. This article will show you how to properly put together an online job search that is efficient and effective.

Online Job Search Strategy - Step 1: Get Your Profile Online

The first step in conducting your online job search is preparing electronic copies of your resumes and cover letters. The major online job boards allow you to create a free profile and upload as many targeted resumes and cover letters as you like. Putting your job search documents in an electronic format makes it super easy to distribute them to potential employers quickly. Once you have put your resume in an electronic format, it's important to upload it to as many sites as possible. Most importantly, make your resume "searchable" or public to employers. This way when an employer runs a search for specific keywords, your resume will show up without even needing to apply for the job.

Online Job Search Strategy - Step 2: Set Up Automated Job Search Agents

The major online job search sites offer a fantastic automated feature - emailed search results. You can create a free profile that will bring daily leads to your email address. When you create a job search agent, be sure to use as many relevant keywords as possible relating to your field. Don't just use the title of the position you are looking for, include synonyms and related words to increase the chances of finding leads you are interested in. For example, if you are an accountant, don't just search for "accountant." Instead put together a large string of related keywords, such as: "accountant, accounting, general ledger, finance, financial reporting." You may end up seeing jobs that you are not qualified for, but it's better to have too many than too few.

Online Job Search Strategy - Step 3: Managing the online application process

It can get pretty cumbersome to manage the application process once you have multiple emailed search agents created. To keep yourself focused, you need to have a good process for organizing the leads. I like to use the daily job application organizer that you can find at By keeping a list of jobs you are interested in you can be sure you are following up properly on each job you apply for.

Finding a job online [] can be much faster and easier than using a newspaper and regular U.S. postal mail, but it can also take up a lot of your time. By putting your materials online in an electronic format and using automated job search agents, you will be able to quickly find and apply for the best jobs available.

For more information on a proper online []job search strategy, check out the articles and other resources at Job Search Power offers a free course and newsletter that will help you stay organized and focused, and increase you chances of getting a job interview.

Article Source: [] Strategies For an Online Job Search

The Advantage of Online Jobs

The Advantage of Online Jobs
By []Steve D Evans

Online jobs are very advantageous to employees as well as employers. They offer a win-win situation for both parties. Online jobs are top choice for many single parents, stay-at-home moms or retirees who wish to stay committed to their family routines while having some income source on the side.

Defining your lifestyle is the first step to finding a matching online job. Online jobs are the best option for people who want to work at the comfort of home. In this way, you can stay at home while earning a lot of money.

Earning through online jobs is some what difficult task and if a person found a correct way to earn it is the best job when compared to others. Earn by net jobs? Home jobs by net?

Search by specific job categories, academic fields, or descriptive keywords. An online subscription is available, and you can select specific types of jobs for which you would like to receive listings.

Searching the Internet may be your daily habit as you are looking for something on the Internet. For example, if you need to download a movie or any script software, you will make many searches on the Internet until your download job is over.

Searching for hospital jobs online can be overwhelming since there are so many jobs listed. However, there are simple things that you can do to help you in your search to get to your jobs of choice.

Freelancing sites believe in growing together and moving together. You can find peace at home, while making some decent money at home.

Freelancing has also become a preferred career alternative to thousands of professionals who strive for greater job flexibility, project variety and professional networking. Finding an online job or freelance opportunities that match your lifestyle may be challenging, but not impossible.

Employees are taking on new responsibilities but where do these new skills come from new people or old dogs learning new tricks? Publishers seem split on making the investment in training or simply hiring new people who already have the skill set they're looking for.

Employees work from home and their calls are routed to their homes either over the Internet or over the regular phone lines.

How do you find out how to do yourself justice when applying for a winning job? The answer is that Steve has made that jaw droppingly easy! He is giving away his top reports on how to write the []online job resume, interview impressively, and increase your pay when you win the job - just for starters!

Steve Evans has experience of online jobs since the mid-1990s when the idea was very new. He, like you no doubt, is a great believer in the power of preparation before applying for any job, and knows from his own experience that fabulous job opportunities are won or lost on the technique you use throughout your application, from resume to job clinching interview. So do it right, download his report, win that job, and get on with your []top career & highly rewarding job. We just know that you won't pass up this opportunity, you are winner, and together with our reports we are going to make a great team.

Article Source: [] The Advantage of Online Jobs

Online Job Search

Online Job Search
By []Greg Heslin

The internet has brought convenient, nationwide, independent job search functionality to your fingertips. Online job search opportunities have gone well beyond job postings on individual company websites. Today, there are numerous dedicated sites to help job hunters search for jobs worldwide.

Online job search that involves going directly to company internet sites is a good way to introduce yourself to the company in which you think you might be interested. Typically, companies are eager to present themselves to the public online so they will have complete descriptions of their business philosophy, the services, supplies or products they promote, and a section for job hunters in which they post job openings. Generally, you can identify, through various search options, the jobs which might be appropriate for your skills and abilities. Many systems allow you to apply for specific jobs online through a system where you would complete an application and upload your resume. It will be transmitted to the Human Resources Department or function responsible for resume assessment.

Once you have completed a company's application process, you will then become part of their database for a period of time. Some systems search their databases automatically when new jobs are posted. If your resume matches any of the job requirements, you shall get a notice and opportunity to apply for the job online.

Over the last few years, independent online job search functionalities have become prevalent on the internet. Newspapers, local services and worldwide online job search databases are easy to find ... simply type "job search" into your browser's search engine. Some sites have more extensive functionality than others. The better sites have direct links into the participating company job search engines. For companies that do not have internal job posting engines, the job search sites will forward applications and/or resumes on your behalf.

The advantage of these online job search functionalities is that they give you access to an extensive database of job opportunities across the country. You can search by state and city, and view everything that is posted. The more sophisticated sites also allow you to narrow your search by job category, name or position level. Some allow you to specify a company name and search nationwide for job opportunities within that specific company. This online functionality puts many position descriptions in front of you quickly. You can apply for them immediately, or on the more expansive sites, you can put them in a "save" or "watch" category so you can think about it and apply at a later date.

Other sites have extensive functionality to help job searchers including:

Search by date posted

Job profiles you can set up that alert you to jobs being posted that fit your skills

Resume posting on the job search site where employers can search resumes that match their requirements

Salary calculators

Career resource links that provide services such as, coaching, education, interview tips, financial advice, etc.

Career fair information

Resume critique

Video resume posting

Not all job search sites are created equal ... it's very important to make sure you thoroughly check out the site you want to use. Look for endorsements, privacy and security statements, and full disclosure about company ownership and business practices. Many online sites require you to purchase a membership, but the fees are not excessive and most have varying levels so you can pick one that suits your needs and your budget.

To be fair, there is one thing that online sites can not do: specifically, they can not put you in physical contact with a potential hiring company because most do not allow any contact outside the online service. However, the advantage of applying for a limitless number of jobs, in any category may outweigh the lack of personal contact. Searching online will certainly ensure that a far greater number of potential employers get to see your resume than if you used a single employment agency or recruiter.

Greg Heslin is a best selling career advice and "street smart" tips author on how to survive in the 21st Century workplace. To learn more about FREE cutting edge career tips and techniques, you can visit his web site at

Article Source: [] Online Job Search

Online Job Application

Online Job Application
By []Charles Fuchs

Now you never need to leave the comfort of your own home to apply for jobs. With an online job application you simply plug in your information and hit submit. The number of companies asking you to fill out an application online is increasing, and you need to be prepared for what you are going to find.

Gone are the days where you dress up to collect applications, dress up again to drop them off, and then dress up the third time for the interview. With an online job application, you can find all of your job applications online and only have to dress up for your interview. However, there are a few different kinds of online applications and you will need some skills to fill them out.

First, you have to have basic computer and typing skills to fill out your online job application. Most online job applications are not necessarily difficult, but you should understand the basic difference between the tab and enter button along with how pull-down menus work. You will also need an e-mail address when filling out your online job application. You can get a free e-mail address through Yahoo! or Hotmail.

The most common online job application is the one that is submitted via the internet. You will need to plug in your information, which are not very different from paper applications. Typical fields in an online job application include your name, address, phone number, schooling, and job history. Most of these applications include a disclaimer that if you hit "submit" you are telling your potential employer that all of the information is accurate.

Another type of online job application is the one that you can download, but you need to print it out and mail it to your potential employer. This type of application benefits the potential employee that does not have the best typing skills. Many government agencies have online job application forms that need to be printed, because they may require a legal signature.

The last type of online job application is not really an application. It is more of a request for you to send in a cover letter and resume to a company. Often these applications will require you to put in basic information like your name, phone number, and address. Then there will be a place for you to either download a cover letter and resume or you can copy/paste your cover letter and resume. Many companies are moving away from allowing you to attach files to your online job application due to viruses.

One of the nice aspects of being able to fill out an online job application is that you can often take more time filling it out than you could if you were filling out an application in person. Most online job applications give you an ID and password so that you can stop and come back to your application. This allows you to really think through your answers and present yourself more professionally.

Read the rest of the article here: rel=nofollow []Online Job Application.

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Charles Fuchs is an established Six Figure Income earner and one of the top online marketer's. He specializes in showing people the fastest way to []Starting a business.

Article Source: [] Online Job Application

Monday, October 20, 2008

Online jobs For Real

There are real online jobs for all here. The jobs are both for fresh graduates and others with years of experience. You must meet the pre-requisite needed inother to get a job. Do find out if you meet the requirements for a job.